Bad Credit Truck Loans
Business Xpress Truck Loans
Are you having trouble getting a commercial loan for a truck you desperately need to add to your fleet? Has a mistake led to some bad credit that is continuously coming back to bite you? Tax Returns or other Financials not completed due to more important things keeping you busy?
Trust us, you are not alone in the predicament mentioned above. However just because bad credit is haunting your credit report, do not let it stop you any longer from getting that new addition or upgrade to your fleet.
At Auto Link Finance we understand the difficulties and annoyances of getting commercial finance today, most lenders set their guidelines out for businesses to have their financials/tax returns done and for them to have clean credit leaving those with bad credit out to dry. Be that as it may, Auto Link Finance is now able to offer a new product we have brought on board called Business Xpress Loan.
Business Xpress Loans have made getting commercial finance such as bad credit truck loans easier than ever. What makes this product different to others for bad credit truck loans, you may be asking? First of all, we are understanding that your priorities will be on the road, driving your truck or running your business so no financials, no worries, all that is required for income verification is 3 months business bank statements showing consistent income and enough income to service the loan payments.
What about defaults and judgements?
We can assist with those too, provided there are no unpaid finance defaults or judgements are over $3,000 within 2 years unless it has been under a payment arrangement for at least 6 months. We can also help if there are no unpaid finance defaults or judgements over $7,000 in 5 years unless it has been under a payment arrangement for at least 6 months.
There are some exceptions to the amount of each default/judgments listed above, if you can display a good payment history on any other current loan/rental contract you currently have that has been running for 12 months or longer with no late payments.
Loan amounts range from $10,000 all the way to $75,000 with loan terms between 36 – 84 months depending on the age of the truck.
If you are a discharged bankrupt, that isn’t an issue, all that is required for you to be accepted is to be a minimum 6 months discharged from bankruptcy.
Minimum Requirements to Qualify
- Must be ABN registered for at least 6 months
- Must have at least a 10% deposit, i.e. if the truck purchase price is $75,000, then your deposit towards the purchase will be $7,500 and the loan amount would be for $67,500
- Must provide 3 months of business bank statements showing all business income going into the business account.
- Must not have any payday loans
- No unpaid finance defaults or judgements are over $3,000 within 2 years unless it has been under a payment arrangement for at least 6 months.
- No unpaid finance defaults or judgements over $7,000 in 5 years unless it has been under a payment arrangement for at least 6 months.
Not after a bad credit truck loan? Perhaps another piece of business equipment or vehicle takes priority, that’s no worries, our Business Xpress Loans apply to a wide range of business equipment and vehicles. So, don’t put it off any longer, click the apply now button and reap the rewards of a Business Xpress Loan today.
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